Friday 13 September 2013


I should be scrapping or something, I'm so behind with my layout challenges and all that but I'm getting bored of crafting now. I haven't actually done any scrapping in a while I've just been making lots and lots of those milk cartons for wedding weights and xmas favours. Halfway through the 70 I need to do for my kids and my Mum has asked me to do 70 for my nieces classes too! Might take a break before doing those lol.
Feeling a bit more on top of things today :) This week has felt like one step forward two steps back, haven't been able to get on top of anything; can't even blame the kids as they were at school! Got stuck into today though and got lots done, mainly crafting jobs left to do now but as Caitlin is at my Mums and Cameron has a birthday party to go to tomorrow will try and catch up on those then. :)
usually i go to all the partys with him, this one though I may give a miss, the 'Bug man' is going, who is exactly what he sounds like, a guy with lots of bugs, snakes and reptiles. Its a great idea, he brings tarantualas, giant stick insects and all sorts for the kids to hold and interact with, Camerons very excited about it but I'm not a huge spider fan so can't really join in with him on that one!

1 comment:

  1. We have a bug lady up here - I loved it when she came to school :)


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